EPA Forum 2021

Quality Indicators of Services and Care for Mental Health in Europe, from Clinician to Patient Perspective: A Paradigm Shift?

Saturday 10 April 2021
9:00 – 11:30 CEST

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First introduced in 2015, the EPA Forum traditionally precedes the official opening of the annual European Congress of Psychiatry. The Forum brings together EPA Council of National Psychiatric Association (NPA) members and individual EPA members, along with other European organisations, stakeholders and policy makers, to present and discuss matters of European importance in the field of Mental Health and Mental Health Care.

The 2021 EPA Forum will be live streamed through the Virtual Platform and on this page on the congress website on Saturday, 10 April 2021 and will be available on demand three months after the Congress dates. Additional information about the 2021 EPA Forum can be found below.

EPA leadership and congress organisers are working together to build an exciting congress programme with an adapted format mindful of the current context. Sign up for the congress newsletter to receive the latest updates about EPA Virtual 2021, including scientific programme announcements, registration opening, e-poster information, deadline reminders, and more.

During the EPA Forum, the second edition of the Ambassadors’ Survey will be presented. Started in 2020, this initiative aims at engaging psychiatrists and mental health professionals to shape better mental health policies and programmes in Europe. This year’s questionnaire will focus on decision-making styles in mental health practices and care and it will take around 5-10 minutes to complete.

The survey is now open, fill it in and attend the EPA Forum!

Ambassadors’ Survey


Chairs: Philip Gorwood, EPA President & Peter Falkai, EPA President Elect


Welcome and Introduction, Philip Gorwood, EPA President


Keynote Address, John Ryan, EU Commission, Director for Public Health


How do International Bodies Address Benchmarking Indicators for Mental Health?

  • Mental Health Performance in Europe and Benchmarking Indicators
    Katherine de Bienassis, Health Policy Analyst, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  • WHO Global Mental Health Atlas and Other Core Indicators in the SDG Era
    Daniel Chisholm, Programme Manager for Mental Health, World Health Organisation (WHO Europe)

Indicators in Real-life Context:

  • Using Indicators for an Effective Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Florence Butlen, Senior Scientific Officer, European Medicines Agency (EMA)
  • Harmonisation of Data and Professional Standards for Psychiatrists in Europe
    Andrew Brittlebank, President, Union of Medical Specialists – Psychiatry Section (UEMS)
  • European Psychiatry Indicators: EPA Projects with EPA National Societies
    Meryam Schouler-Ocak, EPA Board Member (EPA “Mapping European Psychiatry” project)
    Martina Rojnic Kuzman, EPA Board Member (EPA “Ambassadors Survey”)


Q&A session


Interactive Pause

Survey: Assessing Level & Forms of Patients’ Involvement in Evaluating Quality of Care.


Quality Indicators of Care (PROMs & PREMs): Stakeholders’ Perspective
Roundtable discussion:

  • The Families, Carers and Patients’ View on Quality Indicators
    Urs Würsch, President, EUFAMI
    Stecy Yghemonos, Executive Director, Eurocarers
    Raluca Nica, Vice-President, Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Network – Europe (GAMIAN-Europe)
  • The Meaning of PROMs & PREMs for Psychiatrists
    Philip Gorwood (EPA)
  • The Value of Data in Psychology in Europe
    Christoph Steinebach, President, European Federation of Psychologists’ Association (EFPA)
  • Mapping the Burden of Neurological Diseases in Europe
    Claudio Bassetti, President, European Academy of Neurology (EAN)


Q&A session


Closing RemarksPeter Falkai, EPA President Elect

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