Live Session

LIVE - Symposium: When East Meets West  the Treatment of Depression is at its Best 08:00 09:00 JOIN
LIVE - EPA Forum: Benchmarking Mental Health in Europe: Quality Indicators for Better Services and Care 10:00 12:30 JOIN
LIVE - Opening Ceremony 13:00 14:00 JOIN
Course 01: Comorbidities of ADHD Across the Lifespan 15:00 17:00 JOIN
Course 04: Useful Open Science Tools to Do Research in Psychiatry 15:00 17:00 JOIN
Course 02: The ABC of the Clinical-diagnostic Interview 15:00 17:00 JOIN
Course 03: Arsenic and Old Lace: Prescribing Psychotropics in Old Age 15:00 17:00 JOIN
Course 07: Lifestyle Modification for Improved Outcomes in Major Psychiatric Disorders 17:30 19:30 JOIN
Course 05: Psychiatric Management of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) With or Without Psychotherapy 17:30 19:30 JOIN
Course 08: Reshaping Training: Integrating Modern Neuroscience to Prepare Modern Clinical Psychiatrists 17:30 19:30 JOIN
Course 06: Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Violent Patients in General Psychiatry 17:30 19:30 JOIN
The horizon in treatment of schizophrenia: from the onset to the chronic stage - SUPPORTED BY Richter-Recordati 20:00 21:30 JOIN
Management of MDD and TRD: advances in treatment optimisation and digital healthcare - SUPPORTED BY Janssen 20:00 21:30 JOIN
LIVE - Symposium: East Meets West: How did Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Deal with the COVID-19 Pandemic? 08:00 09:00 JOIN
Course 09: Depression in Old Age: State of the Art 09:00 11:00 JOIN
Course 10: Early Intervention in Psychosis: Working as a Team and Involving Families 09:00 11:00 JOIN
Workshop: Psychological and Psychiatric Issues in the Care of Transgender Children  Adolescents  and Adults: Overcoming Health Care Barriers 09:00 10:30 JOIN
Workshop: Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) in Depression Treatment 09:00 10:05 JOIN
Symposium: Health and Environmental Resilience: Effects of Urbanisation  Climate Change and Environmental Determinants on Mental Health 09:00 10:30 JOIN
Symposium: Genomic and Transcriptome Signatures of Endophenotypes of Major Depressive Disorder: Recent Insights  Current Challenges and Future Prospects 09:00 10:30 JOIN
LIVE - Symposium: Recent Progress in Women's Mental Health 09:00 10:30 JOIN
LIVE - Debate: The COVID-19 Pandemic: Is it a Turning Point for e-Health? 09:00 10:30 JOIN
LIVE - ECNP Symposium hosted by the EPA: The Neuroimaging of Pharmacological Effects 09:00 10:30 JOIN
Sunday  11 April: Daily Overview 10:30 11:00 JOIN
Workshop: Practical Suggestions on the Clinical  Ethical and Economic Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health 11:00 12:30 JOIN
Symposium: Improving Care for Patients with Co-occurring Addictive Disorders Through Personalised and Integrated Addiction Psychiatry 11:00 12:30 JOIN
Workshop: Psychiatric Genetics: What a European Psychiatrist Should Know in 2021? 11:00 12:30 JOIN
Symposium: Predicting the Outcomes in Psychosis: Recent Advances in Molecular Profiling  Neuroimaging and Machine Learning 11:00 12:30 JOIN
LIVE - Symposium: Psychopharmacology During Infections  Including COVID-19 11:00 12:30 JOIN
LIVE - ECP Symposium: Perinatal Psychiatry: Is it All About the Mother? 11:00 12:30 JOIN
LIVE - Symposium: Implementing Digital Mental Health Across Europe 11:00 12:30 JOIN
Transdiagnostic Approaches to the Treating Anhedonia in Schizophrenia and Depression 11:30 12:30 JOIN
Potential of EEG and ECG Biomarkers as a Treatment Stratification Tool in Depression: Precision Psychiatry or Stratified Psychiatry? 11:30 12:30 JOIN
Sunday  11 April: Morning Interviews 12:30 13:00 JOIN
LIVE - Plenary: Violence Against Women and Mental Health 13:00 14:00 JOIN
Sunday  11 April: Midday Roundup 14:00 14:30 JOIN
Tailoring treatment for depression: a focus on patients with emotional blunting or trauma - SUPPORTED BY Lundbeck 14:30 16:00 JOIN
Meeting the challenges of schizophrenia care during the COVID-19 pandemic - SUPPORTED BY Janssen 14:30 15:30 JOIN
Caring for patients with schizophrenia in the digital era - SUPPORTED BY Angelini Pharma 14:30 16:00 JOIN
Course 12: Clozapine: Chances and Pitfalls 16:00 18:00 JOIN
Course 11: Medical Ethics in Psychiatry 16:00 18:00 JOIN
Sunday  11 April: EPA Extras 16:00 16:30 JOIN
Symposium: Preventing the "Hype  Hope and Disappointment" Cycle in Early Intervention of Psychosis 16:30 18:00 JOIN
Symposium: Next Chapters in the Story of Internet-based CBT: Implementation  Personalisation and AI-driven Decision Support Tools 16:30 18:00 JOIN
Symposium: e-Mental Health and the Future of Psychiatric Diagnosis 16:30 18:00 JOIN
Symposium: The Complex Inter-relationships Between Therapeutic Interventions  Neuroanatomy and Cognition in Major Psychoses 16:30 18:00 JOIN
LIVE - Symposium: Autism Spectrum Disorder: Challenges in the Assessment and Management Across the Lifespan 16:30 18:00 JOIN
LIVE - ECP Symposium: Treatment Against Your Will: Views from the Stakeholders 16:30 18:00 JOIN
LIVE - Symposium: Evidence-Based Family Interventions in Perinatal Psychiatry 16:30 18:00 JOIN
Sunday  11 April: Highlights of the Day 18:00 18:30 JOIN
Symposium: On a Level Playing Field with Forensic Patients? 18:30 20:00 JOIN
Symposium: Personalising ECT for Depression 18:30 20:00 JOIN
Workshop: Recently Proposed Trans-diagnostic Criteria for Apathy: Commonalities and Differences With the Avolition/Apathy Domain of Schizophrenia 18:30 20:00 JOIN
Symposium: Epigenetic and Metabolic Mechanisms of Brain Plasticity for Personalised Interventions in Neuropsychiatric Disorders 18:30 20:00 JOIN
LIVE - Symposium: Social Distancing and Suicide in COVID-19 Age 18:30 20:00 JOIN
LIVE - ECP Symposium: Are You Online? 18:30 20:00 JOIN
LIVE - State of the Art: Digital Interventions in Severe Mental Disorders 18:30 19:15 JOIN
Good Parenting: How to Prevent MH Disorders Early 18:30 19:30 JOIN
How to Organize MH Service to Support New Mothers 18:30 19:30 JOIN
LIVE - State of the Art: Digital-based Parent Training (DPT) Programmes for Parents of Children with Disruptive Behaviours 19:15 20:00 JOIN
Course 13: Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation (ECT  rTMS  tES): Last Evidence for Up-to-Date Daily Practice 09:00 11:00 JOIN
Symposium: Challenging Stigma Attached to Mental Disorders in Different European Countries: Understanding and Doing Something 09:00 10:30 JOIN
Symposium: Behavioral Addictions During Social-distancing for the COVID-19 Pandemic 09:00 10:30 JOIN
Symposium: The Four Views of the Future of Psychiatry 09:00 10:30 JOIN
Workshop: (Assisted) Suicide in the Elderly 09:00 10:30 JOIN
LIVE - Symposium: Advances in the Pathophysiology of Eating Disorders: Implications for Treatment 09:00 10:30 JOIN
LIVE - ECP Workshop: Trauma and Public Mental Health 09:00 10:30 JOIN
LIVE - Symposium: Implementing Alternatives to Coercion in Mental Health Care 09:00 10:30 JOIN
Monday  12 April: Daily Overview 10:30 11:00 JOIN
Workshop: Advancing Community-Based Mental Health Care in Europe: Early Findings and Lessons Learned from the RECOVER-E Project 11:00 12:30 JOIN
Workshop: Adaptations of the Project ECHO Model of Tele-Education to Address Child Mental Health Disparities Internationally 11:00 12:30 JOIN
Workshop: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Women’s Mental Health and Service Delivery: What Have we Learnt? 11:00 12:30 JOIN
Symposium: Nutritional Psychiatry 11:00 12:30 JOIN
LIVE - Symposium: Novel Pharmacotherapeutic Strategies for Regaining Control over Alcohol Intake in Alcohol Use Disorder 11:00 12:30 JOIN
LIVE - EPA  EAN and EFPA Symposium: You Can Tell a Good Workman by His Tools: The Instruments of Psychiatrists  Psychologists and Neurologists. Why so Different? 11:00 12:30 JOIN
LIVE - Debate: Legalisation of Cannabis: Is it Harmful or is it a Needed Change? 11:00 12:30 JOIN
How to Fight Against Violence Towards Women 11:30 12:30 JOIN
Women as Leaders 11:30 12:30 JOIN
Monday  12 April: Morning Interviews 12:30 13:00 JOIN
LIVE - Plenary: Empathy and Embodied Self: Neural Underpinnings of Interpersonal Relations 13:00 14:00 JOIN
Monday  12 April: Midday Roundup 14:00 14:30 JOIN
Treatment-Resistant Depression - SUPPORTED BY Janssen 14:30 15:15 JOIN
Course 14: Peer Support Workers in Inpatient Mental Health Settings 16:00 18:00 JOIN
Course 15: Personalised Psychopharmacotherapy Using Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Genotyping 16:00 18:00 JOIN
Monday  12 April: EPA Extras 16:00 16:30 JOIN
Workshop: The European Brain Research Area: A Catalysing Initiative for Brain Research Stakeholders to Streamline Brain Research across Europe 16:30 18:00 JOIN
Symposium: Suicidal Risk in Bipolar Patients: Vulnerability and Mediators? 16:30 18:00 JOIN
Symposium: The Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health and Mental Health Professionals: Two Large Longitudinal Studies 16:30 18:00 JOIN
Symposium: Rational Approaches to Polypharmacy in the Treatment of Schizophrenia 16:30 18:00 JOIN
LIVE - Best of 2020 : Research that Advanced Psychiatry and Changed our Practice 16:30 18:00 JOIN
LIVE - State of the Art: The Clinical Characterisation of the Patient with Primary Psychosis Aimed at Personalisation of Management 16:30 17:15 JOIN
The Less Expected Consequences of the COVID Pandemic 16:30 17:30 JOIN
Mindfulness & Compassion: Indications for Use in Psychiatry and Public Health 16:30 17:30 JOIN
LIVE - State of the Art: Targets and Outcomes of Psychotherapies for Mental Disorders 17:15 18:00 JOIN
Monday  12 April: Highlights of the Day 18:00 18:30 JOIN
Course 16: Collaborative Internet-based Research in Psychiatry: an Introductory Course by Early-career Psychiatrists 18:30 20:30 JOIN
Symposium: Physician Aid-in Dying and Mental Disorders 18:30 20:00 JOIN
Symposium: COVID-19 Pandemia and the Demented Patients in Nursing Homes 18:30 20:00 JOIN
Workshop: The “Forgotten” Psychiatric Syndromes 18:30 20:00 JOIN
Symposium: The Collaborative Outcomes Study on Health and Functioning During Infection Times (COH-FIT): Results in Adults and Youth From Over 130 Countries 18:30 20:00 JOIN
LIVE - Workshop: Diagnosing Borderline Personality Disorder: A Masterclass 18:30 20:00 JOIN
LIVE - ECP Workshop: What Should Early Career Psychiatrists Know? 18:30 20:00 JOIN
LIVE - Symposium: Consequences of COVID-19 Outbreak on Mental Health 18:30 20:00 JOIN
Workshop: Youth Mental Health Now: Focus on Prevention  Intervention and Outcomes 20:30 22:00 JOIN
Symposium: New Perspectives on Bipolar Disorder 20:30 22:00 JOIN
Symposium: Update on the Mental Health Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic 20:30 22:00 JOIN
Symposium: Early Intervention in Psychoses: Assessment and Treatment to Improve Functional Outcome 20:30 22:00 JOIN
LIVE - Symposium: Epigenetics in Mental Disorders 20:30 22:00 JOIN
LIVE - Debate: Should Schizoaffective Disorder be Diagnosed Cross-Sectionally (ICD-11) instead of Longitudinally (DSM-5)? 20:30 22:00 JOIN
Course 19: A Third Wave CBT Universal Protocol and Its Application for Therapy and for a Resilience  Prevention Intervention in the Community 09:00 11:00 JOIN
Course 17: Brief Motivational Interviewing Intervention in the Emergency Room: How to Engage Quickly Patients with Addictive Disorders 09:00 11:00 JOIN
Symposium: Disentangling the Role of Risk and Protective Factors in Developmental Trajectories Leading to Mental Disorders 09:00 10:30 JOIN
Symposium with the European Institute for Women's Health: Mental Health of Women: What Can we do to Improve it? 09:00 10:30 JOIN
Symposium: Integrating Real World Evidence and Mobile Technology to Reduce Treatment Gaps in Mental Healthcare: Lessons from COVID-19 09:00 10:30 JOIN
LIVE - Symposium: Improving Real-life Functioning in People with Schizophrenia: From Assessment to Integrated Treatment Plans 09:00 10:30 JOIN
LIVE - ECP Debate: Mental Health Care has Radically Changed with the Pandemic 09:00 10:30 JOIN
LIVE - NPA Symposium: COVID-19 Pandemic and Psychiatry in Europe: Challenges  Experiences and Future Perspectives from Different European Countries 09:00 10:30 JOIN
Tuesday  13 April: Daily Overview 10:30 11:00 JOIN
Workshop: Medication Deprescribing in Elderly Patients with Mental Disorders: Why  When  and How? 11:00 12:30 JOIN
Symposium: Psychiatric Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Opportunities 11:00 12:30 JOIN
Symposium: Severe Mental Illness in the Perinatal Period: Recognising and Managing Risks 11:00 12:30 JOIN
Symposium: Racism and Discrimination in Mental Health Care of Forcibly Displaced People over the Globe 11:00 12:30 JOIN
LIVE - ECP Symposium: Personalised Psychiatry: Hype or Hope? 11:00 12:30 JOIN
LIVE - Symposium: Difficult to Treat Depression 11:00 12:30 JOIN
Psychopharmacology in Patients with COVID-19 11:30 12:30 JOIN
Burn Out Among First Line Workers in COVID-19: Is it Preventable at All? 11:30 12:30 JOIN
Tuesday  13 April: Morning Interviews 12:30 13:00 JOIN
Tuesday  13 April: Midday Roundup 14:00 14:30 JOIN
LIVE - Plenary: Charting Mental Disorders from Childhood to Adulthood 15:00 16:00 JOIN
Course 18: How to Write a Scientific Paper 16:00 18:00 JOIN
Tuesday  13 April: EPA Extras 16:00 16:30 JOIN
Workshop: Unmet Needs in Modern Psychiatric Practice: a Collaborative Workshop between the Committee on Education and EPA Scientific Sections 16:30 18:00 JOIN
Workshop: Birth Asphyxia: Is This an Area of Primary Prevention in Schizophrenia? 16:30 18:00 JOIN
Workshop: Online Education in Suicide Prevention in the Field of Higher Education in Europe 16:30 18:00 JOIN
LIVE - ECP Symposium: Let's Talk About the Pandemic 16:30 18:00 JOIN
LIVE - State of the Art: Virtual Reality: Everything Psychiatrists Should Know 16:30 17:15 JOIN
LIVE - State of the Art: Personalised Psychiatry and Predictive Modelling: Translational Gimmick or Realistic Way Forward? 17:15 18:00 JOIN
Tuesday  13 April: Highlights of the Day 18:00 18:30 JOIN
Course 20: How to Implement Telemental Health Care in Clinical Psychiatry Settings 18:30 20:30 JOIN
Symposium: Cognitive Remediation in Schizophrenia: New Evidences and Future Perspectives in the Digital Era 18:30 20:00 JOIN
Workshop: Faster than Time: Serious Mental Illness and Accelerated Biological Aging 18:30 20:00 JOIN
Symposium: Psychosocial Imaging: Disentangling the Interplay Between Environmental Variables and Psychotic Disorders 18:30 20:00 JOIN
Workshop: A Role for the International Classification of Functioning  Disability and Health (ICF): Advantages and Limitations in the Treatment and Care of Individuals with Mental Health Problems 18:30 20:00 JOIN
LIVE - ECP Workshop: Can we Have Your Attention Please? 18:30 20:00 JOIN
LIVE -  Symposium: Network Analysis for Personalisation of Treatment: Understanding Links Among Symptoms  Risk Factors and Functioning 18:30 20:00 JOIN
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